I would LOVE to take this opportunity to give you an update on how one of my SUPERstar clients is doing so far!
When you hear the full extent of how much this incredible woman has in her life, you will truly admire how much she has achieved!
I met Karen in April of this year. When I heard that she had 2 sets of twins UNDER THE AGE OF 5, I almost freaked out with overwhelm!! Meeting Karen in person gave me a completely different feeling on the situation. She is so calm and in love with her children, nothing could be wrong!
I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Karen and her young family so far and the other day we had a MAJOR milestone! Karen ate salmon! haha. Yes you will be familiar with my love affair of this SUPER food and I can tell you it makes me SO excited when others share in enjoying its magnificence!
This one simple change in a person’s eating habits has such a profound impact on their current and later experience of health and happiness. Without going into all the details here, the omega 3 content of salmon is second to none, and the primary reason this food is so incredible for our brains, joints, hearts and yes, our happiness! :)
Anyway, here is Karen enjoying a delicious serve of SUPER SALMON, cooked to perfection by the AWESOME team at the Pipi in Mooloolaba. If you are local and have not eaten there yet, what are you doing?!!? See www.hotpipis.com.au
And what did Karen have to say of her Salmon experience?
"It is really good. I'm really enjoying it! Wow..."
So there you go! A lot of the time we just THINK we don't like something....step out of your comfort zone...TRY new things....often we need to have a food in a variety of ways before we find a way that we like it...I for one NEVER thought I'd enjoy sardines or eggplant....now they are 2 of my FAVOURITE foods!! :) If a doughnut/pastry addict can change (yes that was me!), then ANYONE can!
And I'm sure if you ask Karen, she'll tell you that if SHE can enjoy salmon, so can anyone else! In the beginning she was very adverse to ANY type of fish....
In other news, Karen has so far lost 6kg, has HEAPS more energy to keep up with her gorgeous children and is enjoying much healthier choices for all her meals and snacks. All without depriving herself of a few of her favourite indulgences including a refreshing beer, or glass of vino, here and there; dining out occasionally and going on a much deserved holiday! Go girl!!
We will give you another update soon :)
Until next time, enjoy all that life has to offer you today!
Mwah! xoxoxoxo
0421 332 243
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