Friday, July 2, 2010

Magical Marriage for Margie Once Again!

"To say I was in a bad place when I first emailed Bridget would be a massive understatement of fact! I was beyond bad I was lost. Truly lost. I had no sense of self worth and would look in the mirror and not even recognize my reflection.

The first session with Bridget was an eye opener, I was truly miserable but talking to Bridget was like a breath of fresh air.

I felt rejuvenated and excited. This was the first day of my rediscovery.

The tension between my husband and I was also disappearing. We were laughing again and having fun again. My husband summed it up beautifully one day at breakfast “Honey it’s so good to have you back to being you again. It really makes me happy to see you happy” I cried.

Thank you Bridget for giving me the greatest gift ever…..myself.

To all of you that are unsure whether to call Bridget or email her do it!

Stop thinking (take this advice from an over thinker!!).

Life is beautiful start living it!!!!"

M.Symons, Melbourne.

This is a markedly reduced version of Margarita's 2 page testimonial :) If you would like to read the full version please email me at

It fills me with passion to facilitate such transformations in people's life! To read more about me and the way I work, please see

I am dedicated to your health and happiness AND doing it the FUN, HAPPY, SIMPLE way! :)

LOTS of love to you!

Food Body Lifestyle Guru

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