One of the most important things I work on with clients constantly is the discovery our our true selves. Our true inner being.
When we are born, we are pure creative spirit. We have no idea about limitations, possibilities, should's, shouldn't's, have to's, must's and must not's. We simply live from innocence and lose ourselves in the world of the imaginary where we are FIREMEN, SUPERSTARS, TEACHERS, PILOTS and ANYTHING at all we desire!
Everyday is fun, and everything we experience is from a point of pure curiosity. There is little fear, judgement or doubt. We simply encounter everything as FRESH, EXCITING and AS IS..
As we grow older, we are conditioned. We MUST do this, we MUST wear that, we CANNOT say this, or DO that...we learn that being ourselves is NOT OK, and we must abide by the rules, expectations and orders of all those around us who clearly know better than we do..
To a degree of course this is helpful, however the most harmful thing that happens is we lose our SELVES; we lose touch with our DREAMS, and we often times end up on path that we never intended or wanted. Sometimes we don't even realise that we have lost ourselves. It seems so normal to do what everyone else is doing and to follow the crowd.
That is until we reach a passionless, and often times despairing, "ground-hog-day" type existence. A feeling or sense of the "same old" routine, day in day out. Like robots, every morning we get up, shower at
this time; eat at
that time; start work
then; frantically keep up with our day and the demands,;never finish anything; arrive home feeling zonked and battered; drag ourselves through the evening with little energy, enthusiasm or love for the very things that are most important to us (family, being at home, hobbies, etc); eat a quick meal; collapse into bed in order to get up and do it all again the next day...!
Anyone relating here?
At this point I often meet most of my clients. They have realised that how they are living is not serving them, those they love or their very reason for being. This AWARENESS creates the platform for change and from here we start the magical and transformational process.
Not to say it is all roses....of course, changing FOUNDATIONS can be unsettling, disturbing at at time chaotic! Sometimes it feels that it would be better to go back to what we unfulfilling and bland as it is, at least we know they say, "better the devil you know"
However, for those who hang in there; those who sit with the tension and ride on through keeping their focus on what they love and what they are moving towards; the rewards do come. At first they come "hit and miss". We take one step forward, then two back. We feel disorientated, confused, lost, alarmed! Then it settles, we breathe, get perspective and move on again.
Eventually, with persistence we start to gain momentum. It becomes easier; never comfortable. You see comfort= comfort zone. As long as we hang in this space, things stay the same. If we want change we have to edge, ever so gradually out of the comfort zone; push the boundaries; GROW.
We learn to live with that feeling of growth. We accept that it is OK and acknowledge it is normal.
By resisting it, we simply waste our precious energy and time resources.
Simple acceptance and continual re-focus on our targets moves us forward.
At the end of the day, the moral of the story is, we cannot be anything or anyone others than OURSELVES. Coming home to yourself is a journey. It can be a touch and turbulent one.
The reality though is to TRY to be anything else; to LIVE a certain life; DO things a certain way; train ourselves to BE who we think we should, is INSANITY and will keep us alluded from the TRUTH of life...
We are here to be ourselves. To discover our light, shine it into the world, thereby allowing others to do the same.
Imagine how bright the world could be...
If we simply accepted, "I'm Just Me".....
Below is a reflection from a client following one of our sessions, that illustrates this journey perfectly :)
Please enjoy, and take the step today to just BE you :)
You are a DIVINE, CREATIVE and completely UNIQUE being :) There is no one like you and YOU are the ONLY person for the job of being YOU :)
Mwah! xoxoxoo
From Miss B, aka "Just Me"
Thanks. I am feeling OK. I have stressed myself out a lot over the past few days and half the time i don't even realise it until, like today, I can hardly stay awake and have to miss training to come home and sleep.
My throat is a bit sore, probably from being stressed and my legs hurt from running on Tuesday morning. I find it hard to let go of my stressful thoughts because it feels like if I do then I might forget something or miss something and everything will come crashing down, which I know won't happen... I think. It is something that i need to prove to myself is just a figment of my imagination and that i can let go.The thing about remembering that your best is sometimes a 15km run, and sometimes your best is a 2 km walk, is something that is helping me a lot. Also I have come to realise that I have been placing a lot of pressure on myself to do my "best" all the time with my school work, mostly because of these pretend expectations that I think everyone has of me. Like if your the smartest girl in the class and suddenly you don't get the best mark I have convinced myself that everyone will be like, "Oh, well what the hell happened there, I thought she was the best."
I have come to realise that although it is great to be really good at something, I am striving for peoples appreciation that I never needed in the first place. I feel that i could be a lot happier just fulfilling my own wishes and being me if I wasn't trying to impress all the time because it makes everything seem a whole lot harder.
So, i am going to remember that i can only do the best with the circumstances that are given to me. Trying to cram more study or whatever in is not really going to benefit me much in the long run and unless I really enjoy it, it is not going to make me feel any better either. School is just school, S..C..H..O...O..L. That's it. I just want to remember that as much as I want to be, I am not superwoman.
Just Me"
Hope you enjoyed and related :)
Would love to hear any of your feedback!
Food Body Lifestyle Guru
Writer, Speaker, Consultant
Sunshine Coast, QLD
"Your health is everything...Discover your TRUE health potential"